Review 1
No. | Quality | Packaging | Delivery | Rating | Name | Date |
82097 | 2654***** | 12-10-2023 |
Delivery Period |
Delivery area |
Delivery Fee |
Delivery Tracking | - Go to Shopping mall > My Atomy Mall > Delivery Tracking |
Change delivery address | - You must contact the customer support centre at atomy_nz@atomypark.com. You cannot change the shipping address once your order has been shipped. |
Method of Payment |
Credit Cards Accepted | - Visa / Mastercard |
Order Cancellation |
Payment date | - Payment date cannot be changed once the order has been processed |
Return & Exchange |
No return/exchange |
Application Period for Refund/Exchange | - In case of a refund, all distributed commission and mastership will be readjusted accordingly. |
Return Request |
- Fill out the RETURN REQUEST FORM (My Office >Support > Resources) and send it to :
atomy_nz@atomypark.com |