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Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
Atomy India is committed to creating and maintaining a secure work environment where it’s Employees, Agents, Vendors and stake holders can work and pursue business together in an atmosphere free of harassment, exploitation and intimidation caused by acts of Sexual Harassment within but not limited to the office premises and other locations directly related to the Company’s business.
The objective of this policy is to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith.
All concerned should take cognizance of the fact that Company strongly opposes sexual harassment, and that such behaviour against women is prohibited by the law as set down in The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Rules framed thereunder being The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (hereinafter referred to as “Act”) as well as the terms of employment. Commission of any act of sexual harassment as defined in the Act and in this Policy shall result in strict disciplinary action.
At Company, we have zero-tolerance for sexual harassment. We value each and every employee working with us and wish to protect their dignity and self-respect. In doing so, we are determined to promote a working environment in which persons of both genders complement each other as equals in an environment that encourages maximum productivity and to keep the personal dignity.
1) Scope:
Company’s Policy with regard to Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment covers every “employee” of the Company. Company encourages every employee who believes they are sexually harassed to use the redressal mechanism as provided in this policy.
The Policy is with respect to Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal of Sexual Harassment which may arise in places not limited to geographical location viz. Company’s offices / branches but includes all such places or locations where acts are conducted in context of working relationships or whilst fulfilling professional duties or which may be visited by an employee during the course of employment.
Company’s Policy against sexual harassment includes sexual harassment by fellow employees, supervisors, managers as well as agents, contractors, customers,
vendors, partners and visitors.This Policy comes into force with immediate effect.
2) Defining Sexual Harassment: “Sexual Harassment” includes any unwelcome acts or behavior such as physical contact and advances, demand or request for sexual favors, sexually colored remarks, showing pornography or any other unwelcome physical verbal or nonverbal conduct having sexual overtones whether directly or by implication.
Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination related to sexual orientation and can be manifested in several ways, including:
3) Internal Complaints Committee: Every complaint received shall be forwarded to the internal complaint committee formed under the policy for redressal. The investigation shall be carried out by the Internal Complaints Committee (‘’ICC’’) constituted for this purpose.
Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted of the following members as nominated by the Company:
The Name of the Members of the Internal Complaints Committee is as per Annexure A of this Policy and any change in such composition shall be effected in the policy. At least half the total members of the Committee must be women.
4) Procedure for lodging a complaint: An employee making a complaint (“the Complainant”) has to submit a written complaint to ICC within three months from date of incident or last incident in case of series of incidents. However, time limit can be extended if there are satisfactory circumstances which prevented the Complainant from filing complaint within said period. The Complainant shall provide supporting documents, names and addresses of witnesses and will be afforded strictest confidentiality by the ICC at all times. Within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the complaint, the ICC has to send a copy of the complaint to the alleged accused ("Counter Party") who will have ten (10) working days to file reply along with list of documents, names and addresses of witnesses.
5) Conciliation Process:
6) Procedure for Inquiry:
7) Protection against victimization: The Company shall take appropriate steps to prevent victimization of the Complainant during the pendency of the Enquiry and shall ensure that the Complainant and the witnesses are protected from reprisal.
8) Findings & Directions: If the ICC arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the Counter Party is proved and it recommends action against the Counter Party, the Management shall take such action as may be appropriate action for misconduct by the employee under the Company’s policy within no later than sixty (60) days of receipt of ICC’s report. Such actions may include any of the following:
In the event, the ICC after investigation of a Complaint in accordance with the procedure prescribed herein, concludes that the Complaint was false, frivolous or made with malaise intention by the Complainant including due to personal issues with the Counter Party, then the ICC shall make such appropriate recommendations to the Management to take action against the Complainant, as may be necessary. However mere inability to substantiate a complaint or provide adequate proof will not attract action and further inquiry will be made before any action is recommended against such a Complainant.
In the event the Complainant decides to pursue personal action against the Counter Party, the Company will provide all assistance and cooperation in any investigation by the relevant law enforcement agencies.
ANNEXURE – A Composition of Internal Complaints Committee
Sno | Name | Designation | Membership | Contact No. | |
1. | Ms. Shruti Agarwal | Company Secretary | Presiding officer | shruti@atomypark.com | 0124 6472857 |
2. | Mr. Rahul Kokadwar | COO | Internal Member | rahul@atomypark.com | 0124 6472871 |
3. | Mr. Jacob Boban Abraham | Manager – Marketing | Internal Member | jacob01@atomypark.com | 0124 6472867 |
4. | Mr. Rajeev Kumar Rattawa |
Manager – Finance & Accounts |
Internal Member | rajeev@atomypark.com | 0124 6472856 |
5. | Ms. Nasharah |
Manager – Product Development |
Internal Member | nasharah@atomypark.com | 0124 6472885 |
6. | Advocate Ms. Akshiptika Verma | Advocate/NGO Member | External Member | akshiverma30@gmail.com | +91 84473 86680 |